Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Japan 43

This is the second Japanese course I designed. They liked the first one so much that they insisted I use the same colors and try and make them fit together.

Communications Course

I'm not sure which lesson banner I like the best, but number two always makes me smile.

Deja vu

Yes you have seen the first few images before if you. The thing about having an illustration blog and a graphic design blog is that I've never really figured out the distinguishing line between the two. I did add a few banners beneath the Journalism Course.

For My Friend Marti

I needed to make a quick billboard with the saying above. So I took a quick photo of my friend Marti and Photoshoped it onto an actual billboard. Thus this ad has never really run on a billboard. It was just to give students an example of a billboard slogan to create.

But now that its on my blog, you are truly famous Marti! Just don't use this image in you're wedding announcement.

Just in Case

Just in case you are repulsed by my graphics, at least you can look at these images and increase your knowledge of sewing.
To quote a great film:

"There must be something that this town does well"
"We can sow"
"There ya go you can sow"
"if only we had known this earlier"


Fashion Faux Pas #1. Have I done this? Probably at one time in my life. I'm glad I have friends who help me look less goofy.


Often I'm asked to keep an idea but redesign it took look better. So the first one is the before and the second one is the "after" and the beneath one is the after.




These really are random what with the first two being illustrator drawings.

Drivers Ed

Unfortunately these are cropped kinda weird, but you can always click on images for a better look

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The idea behind the time line was to create a slide-able bar next to the map that would allow you to slide through time and the map would update with all the different empires that rose and fell in the Middle East.

More Maps

Many of these maps will look like they fit together while others do not. This is because I created maps for so many maps that I have only posted a few from each course. Literally, I have created the entire world in Illustrator so now when I create a map I start with the world template, delete what I do not need, and go from there.


This last one was an earlier map when I was just starting to play with what I could do.